
New Islamicate is a space for thoughts, words and pictures related to Islam and Muslims.

In essence, New Islamicate attempts to act as a common platform for musings, expressions and viewpoints about the Islamic way of life. You will find posts and content relevant for the informed readership of today.

What’s with the Name?

New Islamicate derives its name from the concept of “Islamicate”, first propagated by historian Marshall Hodgson. In his book Venture of Islam, Hodgson described Islamicate as:

…something that would refer not directly to the religion, Islam, itself, but to the social and cultural complex historically associated with Islam and the Muslims, both among Muslims themselves and even when found among non-Muslims.

For centuries, Islam has been the leading thought for societies and civilizations. For example, coffee, pioneered by Muslims, is today among the world’s favorite drinks. However, when it first reached Europe, the Catholic Pope tried to ban “the Muslim drink”. 🙂

New Islamicate focuses on cultural, social, political, economic and spiritual aspects of Islam that affect not just Muslims, but the whole humankind at large.

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