26 Amazing Masjid Ceilings

There are a number of masjids around the world with incredible architecture and striking beauty. The beauty of these masjids is captivating inside and out, but it is the mesmerizing detail in the ceilings of these architectural masterpieces that will truly amaze you. In this post, I have put together some images of masjid ceilings… Continue reading 26 Amazing Masjid Ceilings

13 Masjids That Are Surrounded By Water

Apart from serving as places of worship, masjids also represent our cultural heritage and unique style of Islamic architecture. There are several magnificent and marvelous masjids around the world, but what about masjids that are surrounded by water? In this post, we have put together some amazing, heart-capturing masjids that are surrounded by water. 🙂  13 Masjids That Are Surrounded… Continue reading 13 Masjids That Are Surrounded By Water

Remembering The Masjids of Spain

For several centuries, Spain was under Muslim rule, and this left a significant mark on Spanish culture, art and architecture which can be seen even to this day. In fact, Spanish way of life and cultural thought attained maturity only under the guidance of Islam. However, after the Christians occupied Spain, there embarked an era of… Continue reading Remembering The Masjids of Spain

Mass Graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica Massacre, which was a part of the larger Bosnian Genocide undertaken by the Republika Srpska. In an enclave protected by the UN, Serbian armed forced brutally attacked and killed several innocent Bosnians — men, women, children, no one was spared. To learn more about the Srebrenica Massacre, check… Continue reading Mass Graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina

5 Masjids That Were Destroyed By Extremists

Over the course of years, several masjids have been converted or transformed into churches, museums, etc. Even worse, many a times, masjids have been martyred or destroyed by extremists and terrorists. Of course, the media is often quick to ignore and even quicker to forget such actions against our masjids. This post mentions five masjids… Continue reading 5 Masjids That Were Destroyed By Extremists

Mindfulness in Islam: What and How?

Modern humans live in conditions of constant fuss, distractions and excess information. Our senses are constantly under the influence of some stimuli – to such an extent that at some point the simple silence becomes unbearable for some. Some things interferes with the full experience of every moment, makes prayer superficial, and deprives us of… Continue reading Mindfulness in Islam: What and How?

Understanding Anxiety in the Light of The Quran

Allah has sent us with some duties and commandments. He made us, so he can test us by putting us in difficulties and trials. For sure, Allah (SWT) knows best for us. If Allah (SWT) has created a disease, He also has created its cure/treatment. Every hardship brings blessings. These days anxiety has become extremely… Continue reading Understanding Anxiety in the Light of The Quran

Lessons from the Life of Hz Abu Bakr (RA)

Early Life The life story of Abu Bakr, the successor of the Prophet Muhammad (PUBH) and the first righteous Caliph – the Golden page of Islamic history, which tells about faith, dedication and selfless devotion to high ideals. Abu Bakr was born in 573 AD, two years and a few months after the Prophet’s birth… Continue reading Lessons from the Life of Hz Abu Bakr (RA)

Lessons Learned from the Life of Hz Khalid bin Waleed (RA)

In this article, we will discuss the leadership traits and obedience of a well-known Companion — someone whose name itself used to make tyrants shiver in fear; someone on whom was bestowed the title of Saifullah, by the Prophet (PBUH) himself. Yes, we are talking about none other than Hz Khalid ibn al-Waleed (RA). Hz… Continue reading Lessons Learned from the Life of Hz Khalid bin Waleed (RA)

Berke Khan: The Mongol who Stood for Islam

When it comes to the history of Mongols, most people are aware of Genghis Khan and his expeditions/conquests. However, the same amount of recognition is not enjoyed by many other Mongol leaders — some far greater than Genghis himself. In this article, I will be writing about one such man who was one of the… Continue reading Berke Khan: The Mongol who Stood for Islam