Lessons from the Life of Hz Abu Bakr (RA)

Early Life The life story of Abu Bakr, the successor of the Prophet Muhammad (PUBH) and the first righteous Caliph – the Golden page of Islamic history, which tells about faith, dedication and selfless devotion to high ideals. Abu Bakr was born in 573 AD, two years and a few months after the Prophet’s birth… Continue reading Lessons from the Life of Hz Abu Bakr (RA)

Lessons Learned from the Life of Hz Khalid bin Waleed (RA)

In this article, we will discuss the leadership traits and obedience of a well-known Companion — someone whose name itself used to make tyrants shiver in fear; someone on whom was bestowed the title of Saifullah, by the Prophet (PBUH) himself. Yes, we are talking about none other than Hz Khalid ibn al-Waleed (RA). Hz… Continue reading Lessons Learned from the Life of Hz Khalid bin Waleed (RA)

Berke Khan: The Mongol who Stood for Islam

When it comes to the history of Mongols, most people are aware of Genghis Khan and his expeditions/conquests. However, the same amount of recognition is not enjoyed by many other Mongol leaders — some far greater than Genghis himself. In this article, I will be writing about one such man who was one of the… Continue reading Berke Khan: The Mongol who Stood for Islam

Lessons From The Life of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

Prophet Ibrahim, or Abraham (AS) as he is commonly called, ranks among the greatest prophets of Islam. The story of his life is surely one that raises questions about the validity of our religious practices and forces us to look at religion from a different point of view. Prophet Ibrahim (AS)’s life was full of… Continue reading Lessons From The Life of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

5 Valuable Lessons From The Life of Prophet Adam (AS)

There are many life lessons that we can learn from lives of each of the prophets. This article discusses five life lessons that can be learned from the life of Prophet Adam (AS). The story of Prophet Adam (AS) teaches us many valuable lessons about things that we encounter daily in our lives. 5 Valuable Lessons From The… Continue reading 5 Valuable Lessons From The Life of Prophet Adam (AS)

Lessons from Hz Hud (AS) and the People of ‘Ad

Allah had sent Hz Hud (AS) to the people of ‘Ad. The people of ‘Ad lived in a land called al-Ahqaf (Sand Dunes). Now, it is a desert, but that wasn’t the case always. The people of ‘Ad used to worship idols. They were arrogant, highly unfair in conduct, and misused the Blessings of Allah.… Continue reading Lessons from Hz Hud (AS) and the People of ‘Ad

Inspiring Muslim Women: Zainab bint Muhammad (RA)

Over the course of next four weeks, Allah be willing, Muslim Memo intends to publish short biographies of the daughters of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Today, we shall start with the eldest daughter of our dear Prophet (PBUH): Hz Zainab bint Muhammad (RA). Hz Zainab bint Muhammad (RA) was the eldest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Hz Khadijah (RA).… Continue reading Inspiring Muslim Women: Zainab bint Muhammad (RA)

Remembering The Greatest British Muslims

Over the course of time, many Muslim reverts have done a lot to help their brethren all around the world. This documentary by BBC talks about the lives and works of three such British Muslims, who sacrificed a lot and contributed towards the benefit of humanity at large: This documentary tells the little-known story of… Continue reading Remembering The Greatest British Muslims

Inspiring Muslim Women: Fatima al-Fihr

Have you ever asked someone to name inspirational people, dead or alive? You’ll probably get names like Martin Luther King, Neil Armstrong, Tariq Ramadan, etc. I mean, We can’t deny that these and so many other men have done amazing things and are definitely worth the title, but I’ve noticed that most people only name… Continue reading Inspiring Muslim Women: Fatima al-Fihr

Islam And Science: Al-Khwarizmi And Algebra

Mathematics is an exact science that is commonly defined as ‘the way to study patterns and structures’. The verb ‘to cipher’ for example comes from the Arabic ‘sifr’ that translates to ‘zero’ or ‘empty’. The figures ten and the number zero in particular have Arab roots. Many Muslim scholars have built the foundations of mathematical… Continue reading Islam And Science: Al-Khwarizmi And Algebra