Stoning is Not an Islamic Punishment

Not too long ago, The New York Times reported that a group of Muslims in Afghanistan had stoned to death a woman accused of adultery. On what legal basis did this group of Muslims base its judgment in committing this gruesome act of stoning? They could not have based it on the Quran, because the Quran… Continue reading Stoning is Not an Islamic Punishment

Tracing The Origins of Islamophobia

Of late, Islamophobia has emerged as a term that we get to hear everyday. It is used to define prejudice against, hatred towards, or irrational fear of, the religion of Islam and Muslims. Although the term “Islamophobia” is fairly recent, prejudice and hatred towards Islam is nothing new. After all, was it not Islamophobia that… Continue reading Tracing The Origins of Islamophobia

Top 5 Impactful Movies About Muslims

One of the options, to spend your time productively is to get acquainted with the cinematic works that tell the viewer about what Islam really is, about the beauty of this religion, about the good disposition of Muslims and their contribution to the development of humanity. In this article, we will share with you the… Continue reading Top 5 Impactful Movies About Muslims

The Fall of Seville

For centuries, Spain shone and progressed under Muslim rule. Unfortunately, the city of Seville fell prey to the barbaric onslaught of the Kingdom of Castile in the year 1248. Several innocent Spaniards were killed, many were forced to leave their homeland and seek refuge elsewhere, whereas many others were captured and taken as slaves. The… Continue reading The Fall of Seville

In The Lucidity Of A Solemn Silence

In the lucidity of a solemn silenceThe night overtook those who transgressed.Nations we liberated and others we builtAs shelters for masses oppressed. Our hearts resounded with a hungry pulseTo make real what was already instilled;And then His Will became our ownPotentiality, sought and fulfilled. Souls that were owned by the Owner of allYearned to disrobe their… Continue reading In The Lucidity Of A Solemn Silence

A Morisco’s Appeal To The Ottoman Sultan

In Europe, the late 15th and early 16 centuries were periods of great political upheaval. On one hand, the Ottoman Empire was gaining momentum and it would soon emerge as the biggest force of its times, whereas on the other hand, al-Andalus (present-day Spain) was reeling and on the verge of collapse. Under Islam, Spain… Continue reading A Morisco’s Appeal To The Ottoman Sultan

10 Common Misconceptions about Islam

Islam is Allah’s message for mankind. And around it for several centuries of existence, a large number of myths have formed, as well as around other religions of the world. Many of these misconceptions have long been debunked, although some still act as a tool for manipulating destructive organizations. Fortunately, we live in the era… Continue reading 10 Common Misconceptions about Islam