Inspiring Muslim Women: Fatima bint Muhammad (RA)

In this final instalment of our ongoing series about the daughters of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we take a look at the life of his youngest daughter: Hz Fatima bint Muhammad (RA). Hz Fatima bint Muhammad (RA) was the youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Hz Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA). She was born five years before Allah… Continue reading Inspiring Muslim Women: Fatima bint Muhammad (RA)

The Sons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had three sons and four daughters. All of his children were born to Hz Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA) except one son (Ibrahim), who was born to Hz Maria al-Qibtiyah (RA). In the order of birth sequence, the children of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are as follows: We have already shared the biographies of the daughters… Continue reading The Sons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

In Praise of Our Prophet

Professor Haroun Mustapha Leon, better known as Abdullah Quilliam, was an English scholar who reverted to Islam at the age of 17. He was also the founder of England’s first masjid and Islamic centre — Liverpool Muslim Institute in the year 1889. He travelled extensively, and published several essays and journals related to Islam. In 1894, Professor… Continue reading In Praise of Our Prophet

Learning From The Prophet in Ramadan

This Ramadan, I have tried studying in depth how RasulAllah (PBUH) spent a typical day during this blessed month. If one were to imagine what it would be like to walk in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the month of Ramadan, one might think it would be impossible. But is it? Let us… Continue reading Learning From The Prophet in Ramadan

Follow The Sunnah: 10 Ahadith About Eid al-Fitr

Now that Ramadan is over, Muslims all around the world will celebrate Eid al-Fitr. In simple words, Eid al-Fitr is the first day of the month of Shawwal. As such, Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan fasting. There are authentic Ahadith that forbid fasting on the day of Eid al-Fitr. So, how does one… Continue reading Follow The Sunnah: 10 Ahadith About Eid al-Fitr

Sowing in Rajab To Reap in Ramadan

We are already in the month of Rajab. Rajab has been honoured in the Quran as one of the four sacred months. When this month came, the Prophet (PBUH) used to make a special du’a, “Allahumma barik la naa fee Rajabi wa al-Sha’baan wa ballighnaa Ramadan” — “O Allah! bless us in Rajab and Sha’baan and… Continue reading Sowing in Rajab To Reap in Ramadan

Why I Admire Muhammad: Answering Islamophobes

Islamophobes have attacked me because I’ve written positively about Muhammad (PBUH), the Prophet of Islam. Because I am a Catholic, they consider me to be a heretic and feel that my interfaith activities are sacrilegious. Islam, to these critics, is evil and Muhammad (PBUH) is nothing but a terrorist. I see Muhammad (PBUH) very differently… Continue reading Why I Admire Muhammad: Answering Islamophobes