10 Amazing Dua From The Quran

Dua is one of the simplest ways of establishing connection with Allah and seeking His Blessings. There are several Dua from The Quran that we can use to make our faith stronger; many such Quranic Dua are ones that were used by great Prophets when they prayed to Allah. In this post, we have put together 10… Continue reading 10 Amazing Dua From The Quran

Inspiring Muslim Women: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA)

Hz Khadijah (RA) was the first wife of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). She was the first person to believe in the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Once Hz Aisha (RA) asked Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) whether Hz Khadijah (RA) was the only woman worthy of his love. He replied: She believed in me when no… Continue reading Inspiring Muslim Women: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA)

Need for Unity in the Islamic World

Unity is one of the basic tenets of Islam, but unfortunately, nowadays we have to talk about the need for unity in the Islamic world, since unity is totally absent. In fact, we as Muslims, tend to have a good understanding and bonding with almost everyone else, except our own Muslim brothers and sisters. Of course,… Continue reading Need for Unity in the Islamic World

Why Did Emmanuel Adebayor Choose Islam?

Recently, famous footballer Emmanuel Adebayor reverted to Islam. The reactions to this were mixed — some were shocked, others upset, and still others happy that Adebayor did the right thing. That said, why exactly did Emmanuel Adebayor turn towards Islam? Well, the talented striker himself has provided us with the answers, and The Herald recently published a thirteen-point… Continue reading Why Did Emmanuel Adebayor Choose Islam?

The Concept of Triple Talaq: Quranic Rulings on Divorce

Before the advent of Islam, women were treated brutally. The arrival of Islam brought remarkable changes in their conditions and safeguarded their liberties. The concepts and rules of Nikah and Talaq (divorce) were laid down by Allah in the Holy Quran. So, what does Islam say about divorce or Talaq? The Quran has many surahs, such as… Continue reading The Concept of Triple Talaq: Quranic Rulings on Divorce